FDA-TRACK: Animal and Veterinary
FDA-TRACK: Center for Veterinary Medicine Dashboards
The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) reports performance measures aligned to six key initiatives that highlight its contributions towards Protecting Human and Animal Health.
FDA-TRACK: Animal Drug User Fee Act Performance
The Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) authorizes FDA (specifically the Center for Veterinary Medicine) to assess and collect fees for new animal drug products. ADUFA provides FDA with resources to enhance the performance and predictability of the new animal drug review process, resulting in the approval of safe and effective animal drug products.
FDA-TRACK: Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act Performance
The Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act (AGDUFA) authorizes FDA (specifically the Center for Veterinary Medicine) to assess and collect fees for generic new animal drug products. AGDUFA provides FDA with resources to enhance the performance and predictability of the generic new animal drug review process, resulting in the approval of safe and effective animal drug products.